Sunday, 22 May 2011


Yesterday was supposed to be very exciting. I had been looking forward to yesterday since day before yesterday. I don't have many relatives living in Delhi. Actually, I don't have any relatives at all. Certainly not after yesterday. So what was special about yesterday was that my sister who is no longer my sister was supposed to visit me. And stay till tomorrow, that is, today. 
Till before I knew she was to visit me I was as active as Peter Griffin.(certainly not as fat though.) But when the news did reach my ears I sprang to life. I leaped and dwiddled and pissshhed and swooshed around in ecstasy. You see I love her. Oh wait scratch that. LOVED her. 
So the call I received from her day before yesterday night was the best thing that had happened to me since a very long time. I lay wide awake in my bed, planning feverishly for the morrow. I couldn't sleep. For a VERY long time. But finally sleep did descend upon me. My last waking thought was: Tomorrow, beta. tomorrow.

Then. After a night's restless sleep came yesterday. 
And today, the after the yesterday which I had been waiting for like crazy day before yesterday, I am bound to admit that I hate my sister. I really do. Well not for the obvious reasons like she didn't come or something. Or because she came very late or something like that. Oh wait. That is actually a countable reason. See? 
So. Reasons why I have decided to disown my sister:

1) She came late. VERY late. Yesterday morning when I was to wake up(11:30 A.M), she was supposed to be already there! Well. she wasn't. (Thinking it aint too big a reason for exhibiting such vehemence towards her? wait tell you hear the rest of it!)
2) She wasn't the first thing I saw in the morning. Bearable. I decided to be patient. So like a good girl, I brushed my teeth. washed myself. Then like a better girl I curtly had my breakfast and helped mummy in the kitchen. She wasn't there yet. Then like a very good girl I did away with my homework. ALL of my homework, which took almost all of the afternoon. And no. She wasn't there. I saw the clock, 4:30. flaring my nostrils, I stomped on my bed. I fell asleep.

Now at the point of time, I was almost adamant on killing her. But the only thing that held me from dotting that doddering thing was that. When I woke up from my slumber she was there. As I rubbed my eyes, I heard faint noises coming from downstairs. It was her, all right. I face lit and I ran downstairs. On my way I thought of how she'd be waiting for me. Her arms held out to unite me into a warm hug...But On reaching there, I froze. 

Now for the biggest reason of all. The one which nearly drove to perform a grisly murder was:



3) Brought her DOG along with her. ( No, I mean an ACTUAL doggie with haggard eyes. Droopy ears, and saliva dripping from its tongue.) 

Yes. Instead of her arms held up high for me, they were busy scratching or tickling the ears of a little fur ball.
She knows that I absolutely detest dogs. I don't find them cute. Not even one bit. I in a way repel them too. But still she decides to bring one along with her to my house. Downright pathetic. 

Well I guess the effects of the turmoil which was running inside me were clear on the outside because as soon as she saw me standing there with raging eyes, she let go of the hound quickly and gave me a meek smile.

It took her a lot to make me forgive her for what she had done. In the beginning whenever she tried to give me an explanation, what she got in return were scathing looks. However, gradually her pleas penetrated in my skull and I melted a little at first. And then when she brought about the sumptuous chocolate gateau in front of my eyes- the ire vanished completely...

Confused? Theres more you see.

So after the merry time we all had talking, laughing and enjoying delicious food and cake we retired for bed. All this while the ugly doggie was tied in another room. It's occasional barks and growls did make me wince and the anger did claw inside me, but the mere sight of the cake which was placed gloriously on the table made me forget it all. And by the end of this joyful meeting I my head was bobbing in sleep. 
My sister was sleeping with me in my room and so was the beast- a compromise I had to make. I was too sleepy any way so it did not bother me that much. 
My last waking memory: I had my hands wrapped around my sister and was smiling to myself. 

I woke up in the middle of the night sometime with a vague feeling of  that someone was rumbling violently in rage. Like a thunder storm...But. I realized as soon as the mists of my sleep were cleared that the noise was not a violent break out. It was someone snoring. Snoring so loud that I was certain that if the lights were on I would see the the plaster of my walls peeling off. 
It was that little monstrous dog.
 Cotton plugs, pillows not even the quilt plopped on my ears helped. And I have been awake ever since.

So yes. I have no relatives in Delhi anymore.


  1. Sweet! I liked this one. It's good. Really like the childish writing style, too. Drastic change from the last few posts, eh?

    Keep up the good work.


  2. Mantaaa!
    Hahhaha. Yeah some change. You know just to make sure that people don't start assuming that I'm a depressed duck or something.

